select webflatfileid, comname, sciname, webflatfile.vcode, rating, Day, height, width, spcode, photodata, country_state, locality, age, sex, month, dname, comments from webflatfile left join filelist on webflatfile.vcode = filelist.vcode where found=2 AND country_state LIKE '%Ecuador% Sucumbios%'
select webflatfileid, comname, sciname, webflatfile.vcode, rating, Day, height, width, spcode, photodata, country_state, locality, age, sex, month, dname, comments from webflatfile left join filelist on webflatfile.vcode = filelist.vcode where found=2 AND country_state LIKE '%Ecuador% Sucumbios%' order by spcode, comname, rating DESC LIMIT 100
78 Images found.
Large-billed Tern Phaetusa simplex |
w02/13/009 Large-billed Tern | w02/13/011 Large-billed Tern |
Little Cuckoo Piaya minuta |
w02/13/017 Little Cuckoo | w02/13/018 Little Cuckoo |
Tropical Screech-Owl Megascops choliba |
w02/13/020 Tropical Screech-Owl | w02/13/024 Tropical Screech-Owl | w02/13/025 Tropical Screech-Owl |
Long-tailed Hermit Phaethornis superciliosus |
w02/13/027 Long-tailed Hermit | w02/13/028 Long-tailed Hermit |
Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana |
w02/13/051 Green Kingfisher | w02/13/053 Green Kingfisher | w02/13/054 Green Kingfisher | w02/13/055 Green Kingfisher |
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Chloroceryle inda |
w02/13/056 Green-and-rufous Kingfisher | w02/13/060 Green-and-rufous Kingfisher | w02/13/063 Green-and-rufous Kingfisher | w02/13/064 Green-and-rufous Kingfisher |
w02/13/065 Green-and-rufous Kingfisher |
American Pygmy Kingfisher Chloroceryle aenea |
w02/13/034 American Pygmy Kingfisher | w02/13/035 American Pygmy Kingfisher | w02/13/039 American Pygmy Kingfisher | w02/13/042 American Pygmy Kingfisher |
w02/13/043 American Pygmy Kingfisher | w02/13/046 American Pygmy Kingfisher | w02/13/048 American Pygmy Kingfisher |
Blue-crowned Motmot Momotus momota |
w02/13/071 Blue-crowned Motmot | w02/13/072 Blue-crowned Motmot |
Collared Puffbird Bucco capensis |
w02/13/073 Collared Puffbird | w02/13/074 Collared Puffbird | w02/13/075 Collared Puffbird | w02/13/077 Collared Puffbird |
w02/13/080 Collared Puffbird | w02/13/081 Collared Puffbird |
Scarlet-crowned Barbet Capito aurovirens |
w02/13/104 Scarlet-crowned Barbet |
Black-spotted Barbet Capito niger |
w02/13/105 Black-spotted Barbet |
White-eared Jacamar Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis |
w02/13/096 White-eared Jacamar |
White-chinned Jacamar Galbula tombacea |
w02/13/098 White-chinned Jacamar | w02/13/099 White-chinned Jacamar |
Chestnut Woodpecker Celeus elegans |
w02/13/111 Chestnut Woodpecker |
Lafresnayes Piculet Picumnus lafresnayi |
w02/13/108 Lafresnayes Piculet |
Plain-brown Woodcreeper Dendrocincla fuliginosa |
w02/13/116 Plain-brown Woodcreeper | w02/13/118 Plain-brown Woodcreeper |
White-chinned Woodcreeper Dendrocincla merula |
w02/13/122 White-chinned Woodcreeper |
Northern Barred-Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae |
w02/13/125 Northern Barred-Woodcreeper | w02/13/125 Northern Barred-Woodcreeper |
Straight-billed Woodcreeper Dendroplex picus |
w02/13/127 Straight-billed Woodcreeper |
Cocha Antshrike Thamnophilus praecox |
w02/13/133 Cocha Antshrike | w02/13/136 Cocha Antshrike |
Black-chinned Antbird Hypocnemoides melanopogon |
w02/13/143 Black-chinned Antbird | w02/13/144 Black-chinned Antbird | w02/13/145 Black-chinned Antbird | w02/13/147 Black-chinned Antbird |
w02/13/148 Black-chinned Antbird |
Silvered Antbird Sclateria naevia |
w02/13/150 Silvered Antbird | w02/13/151 Silvered Antbird | w02/13/153 Silvered Antbird | w02/13/155 Silvered Antbird |
Black-spotted Bare-eye Phlegopsis nigromaculata |
w02/13/173 Black-spotted Bare-eye | w02/13/177 Black-spotted Bare-eye | w02/13/178 Black-spotted Bare-eye |
Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner Philydor pyrrhodes |
w02/13/192 Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner |
Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner Automolus ochrolaemus |
w02/13/190 Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner | w02/13/191 Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner |
Plain Xenops Xenops minutus |
w02/13/194 Plain Xenops |
Wire-tailed Manakin Pipra filicauda |
w02/13/196 Wire-tailed Manakin | w02/13/198 Wire-tailed Manakin | w02/13/199 Wire-tailed Manakin |
Thrush-like Wren Campylorhynchus turdinus |
w02/13/216 Thrush-like Wren | w02/13/218 Thrush-like Wren |
Buff-breasted Wren Cantorchilus leucotis |
w02/13/220 Buff-breasted Wren |
Swainson's Thrush Catharus ustulatus |
w02/13/212 Swainson's Thrush |
Amazonian Black-Tyrant Knipolegus poecilocercus |
w02/13/247 Amazonian Black-Tyrant | w02/13/250 Amazonian Black-Tyrant | w02/13/252 Amazonian Black-Tyrant | w02/13/253 Amazonian Black-Tyrant |
Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus |
w02/13/254 Great Kiskadee |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer |
w02/13/255 Dusky-capped Flycatcher | w02/13/256 Dusky-capped Flycatcher |