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select firstname, lastname from users where email = ''
COUNT:select count(*) from webflatfile where country_state LIKE '%Mexico% Aguascalientes%'
select webflatfileid, comname, sciname, webflatfile.vcode, rating, Day, height, width, spcode, photodata, country_state, locality, age, sex, month, dname, comments from webflatfile left join filelist on webflatfile.vcode = filelist.vcode where found=2 AND country_state LIKE '%Mexico% Aguascalientes%'
select webflatfileid, comname, sciname, webflatfile.vcode, rating, Day, height, width, spcode, photodata, country_state, locality, age, sex, month, dname, comments from webflatfile left join filelist on webflatfile.vcode = filelist.vcode where found=2 AND country_state LIKE '%Mexico% Aguascalientes%' order by spcode, comname, rating DESC LIMIT 100
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White-winged Dove Zenaida asiatica |
j10/1/010 White-winged Dove |
Berylline Hummingbird Amazilia beryllina |
j10/1/011 Berylline Hummingbird |
Golden-fronted Woodpecker Melanerpes aurifrons |
j10/1/007 Golden-fronted Woodpecker |
Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater |
j10/1/001 Brown-headed Cowbird | j10/1/002 Brown-headed Cowbird | j10/1/003 Brown-headed Cowbird |
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet Camptostoma imberbe |
j10/1/008 Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet |